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Introduction of Temperature and Humidity Program Control Record and Gas Concentration Control


Purpose of Test:

To evaluate condensation at cycle test of temperature and humidity of 25 ℃60%~65 ℃95% and continuous measurement of gas concentration.

Test Method:

As the following photos show, a mirror reflecting the test pattern was set in the test chamber to record the temperature, the humidity and the control value at the same time.

If a mirror used was not treated for the frosting, the left half won't be seen.
Photographed the setting scene by opening the outside door. Mirror, camera and the test pattern.

A Little condensation at the Sutee part of the inside door. Photographed soon after opening the chamber door of which the temperature and the humidity is indicated in the left indicator.

No condensation is seen on the ceiling of the test chamber.
If the gas easy to dissolve in water adhered to the water in the test chamber, it causes instability of gas concentration.
Also if it humidifies with absorbed water, the test condition will be different from that of the field.
KG130 is able to test in more stabled conditions by reducing the condensation and water as much as possible.
In addition, as the inside of the test chamber is processed by Teflon, gas absorption is little that it is possible to test from high gas concentration to low gas concentration without cleaning the chamber after every test.

Temperature and Humidity Record and Data Video

Record on following declining of humidity as much as possible
Record on dehumidifying as soon as possible

Introduction of Gas Concentration Measurement and Automatic Control

Record on chamber gas concentration as to the flow change
Above graph shows the record of the gas concentration change after changing the flow experimentally.
⇒Continuous recording of H2S(Hydrogen sulfide)
⇒Gas flow control value

KG130 Gas Concentration Control Unit

Temperature Display Setting・Temperature Adjustment Auto/Manual change・Proofread・Others

Control Set Key

Purge・Control・Stop Switch
                              Gas Flow Display                             Manual Flow control set dial